Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.
1 Peter 3:15
Apologetics for the Masses E-Newsletter
This E-Newsletter has actual apologetics exchanges that I have engaged in or am engaging in. You see the questions asked, and the comments made, by non-Catholics about all the various aspects of the Catholic Faith, and you will not only be able to read my responses, you are also given the strategies behind what I say and why. Strategies that you can use to engage in apologetics discussions with the folks you come in contact with. To read any of the old issues, just click on the links below.
Past Newsletters
Is individual interpretation of the Bible the same as believing Church teaching?
Apologetics for the Masses #409: A Protestant Answers Some Catholic QuestionsA Protestant Answers Questions Some Catholic Questions
Apologetics for the Masses #408: Taking on Dr. James White (Part 2)Responding to an email from a James White fan
Response to Dr. James White's comments on Luke 22:31-32 and Peter
Apologetics for the Masses #406 - Mistakes Catholics Make and Sins Against the Holy Spirit (Part 2)Mistakes Catholics Make and Sins Against the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
Apologetics for the Masses #405 - Mistakes Catholics Make and Sins Against the Holy SpiritMistakes Catholics Make and Sins Against the Holy Spirit
Apologetics for the Masses #404 - Mistakes Catholics Make When Talking About the FaithMistakes Catholics make when talking about the faith...
Apologetics for the Masses #403 - Most Vile Anti-Catholic I've Ever EncounteredMost vile anti-Catholic I've ever come across
Apologetics for the Masses - Our Unique Approach to EvangelizationI need your help to reach hundreds of thousands of people around the world with the truths of the Catholic Faith
Apologetics for the Masses #402 - Mike Gendron Response (Finale)Mike Gendron responds (sort of) to my "analysis" of his Anti-Catholic Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses #401 - Mike Gendron Pamphlet (Part 3)Dissecting the Lies and Misinformation in a Mike Gendron Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses #400 - Questions for Mike GendronI answered his questions, will he answer mine? No way...
Apologetics for the Masses #399 - Gendron's Response DismantledMy dissection of Mike Gendron's response to my "analysis" of his Anti-Catholic Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses #398 - Gendron Responds!Mike Gendron responds (sort of) to my "analysis" of his Anti-Catholic Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses #397 - Mike Gendron Pamphlet (Part 2)Dissecting the Lies and Misinformation in a Mike Gendron Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses #396 - Mike Gendron PamphletDissecting the Lies and Misinformation in a Mike Gendron Pamphlet
Apologetics for the Masses, #395 - The Doctrinal Dance (Finale)An email exchange with a Protestant who does everything possible to avoid answering my questions.
Apologetics for the Masses, #394 - The Doctrinal Dance (cont'd)An email exchange with a Protestant who does everything possible to avoid answering my questions.
Apologetics for the Masses, #393 - The Doctrinal Dance (cont'd)An email exchange with a Protestant who does everything possible to avoid answering my questions.
Apologetics for the Masses, #392 - The Doctrinal Dance (cont'd)An email exchange with a Protestant who does everything possible to avoid answering my questions.
Apologetics for the Masses, #391 - The Doctrinal Dance (A Perfect Example)An email exchange with a Protestant who does everything possible to avoid answering my questions.
Apologetics for the Masses, #390 - "You have been saved by faith..." (Ephesians 2:8-9)Analysis of Ephesians 2:8-9 vis-a-vis Sola Fide
Apologetics for the Masses, #389 - "All have sinned [including Mary]..." (Romans 3:23)Does the Bible prove that Mary sinned?
Apologetics for the Masses, #388 - "Until"...Matthew 1:25...[Joseph] took his wife, but knew her not "until" she had borne a son.
Apologetics for the Masses, #387 - Your Works Are Like Filthy Rags (Isaiah 64:6)A Catholic response to Protestants who quote Isaiah 64:6 to argue for Sola Fide
Apologetics for the Masses - #386; What Have We Done?What Do We Do?
Apologetics for the Masses - #385; Kingdom of Heaven vs. Kingdom of GodKingdom of Heaven vs. Kingdom of God
Apologetics for the Masses - #384Q&A on Various Topics
Apologetics for the Masses #383 - The Orthodox Controversy...FilioqueThe Filioque Clause
Apologetics for the Masses #382 - The Historical Case for ChristThe Historical Case for Christ
Apologetics for the Masses #381 - Catholic Voting PrinciplesThe Quadrennial Newsletter on Voting
Apologetics for the Masses #380 - ABalaam's Ride - Catholic Apologetics on Secular Television
Apologetics for the Masses #380 - Hunter Street Baptist Church (Part 5): SalvationMinister Brady Tarr's Anti-Catholic Presentation - Salvation
Apologetics for the Masses #379You Catholics and Your Beliefs About Mary!
Apologetics for the Masses #378 - Hunter Street Baptist Church (Part 4 - Mary)Minister Brady Tarr's Anti-Catholic Presentation - Mary
Apologetics for the Masses #377 - Hunter Street Baptist Church (Part 3 - Mary)Minister Brady Tarr's Anti-Catholic Presentation - Mary
Apologetics for the Masses #376 - Hunter Street Baptist Church (Part 2)Minister Brady Tarr's Anti-Catholic Presentation - The Eucharist
Apologetics for the Masses #375 - Hunter Street Baptist Church (Part 1)Minister Brady Tarr's Anti-Catholic Presentation - Church Authority
Apologetics for the Masses #374 - The "Wuhan Flu"Politically Correct - Church and State
Apologetics for the Masses #373 - Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 4)Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 4)
Apologetics for the MassesI think you'll enjoy reading these...
Apologetics for the Masses #372 - Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 3)Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 3)
Apologetics for the Masses #371 - Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 2)Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker" (Part 2)
Apologetics for the Masses #370 - Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker"Dialogue With A Protestant "Seeker"
Apologetics for the Masses #369 - Questions and AnswersAnswers to Some Questions I've Received
Apologetics for the Masses #368: Problems w/Protestantism #7 - Korah's RebellionProblems w/Protestantism #7 - Korah's Rebellion
A Message From a Priest in 1918 Regarding the Suspension of MassA Message From a Priest in 1918 Regarding the Suspension of Mass
Apologetics for the Masses #367 - Dialogue (Sort Of) With A Baptist Author.A Facebook "Dialogue" With Baptist Author Steve Christie
Apologetics for the Masses #366 - 4 Words That Changed the World, Part IIIA Response to Pastor Chip Thornton's Anti-Catholic Newspaper Article
Apologetics for the Masses #365 - 4 Words That Changed the World, Part IIA Response to Pastor Chip Thornton's Anti-Catholic Newspaper Article