Apologetics for the Masses #422 - A
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I have a question for you...
Hey folks,
As I’ve stated many times before, I send out two, and only two, email appeals for donations…for investments…each year. In other words, I don’t spend a lot of time and effort on fundraising. You will never get something from me every two to three weeks asking for money or telling you about this or that emergency which we need your help with. I don’t like receiving solicitation after solicitation after solicitation from the same organization, so I will not do that to others.
So, since I don’t come to you very often to ask for your support, could you please take just a couple of minutes to read about we've done in the past, what’s currently going on here at the Bible Christian Society, what we hope to do in the future, and then prayerfully consider whether or not you think this to be an organization worthy of your investment in our evangelization and apologetic activities.
I believe it is important to let you know – twice a year – that I do need your help to keep this apostolate afloat (ask and ye shall receive, right?). The investments you make in the Bible Christian Society (all of which are 100% tax-deductible) help pay for the office, the billboard and TV and online evangelization campaigns, all of the CDs that we send out (yes, there are still folks ordering CDs), the website, all of the time I spend on the computer answering emails, preparing the newsletters, and so forth. You are the reason the Bible Christian Society is able to reach hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year with the truths of the Catholic Faith.
Here are some of the things that have been going on at the Bible Christian Society and a few testimonials to the impact we (you and I) are having through the Bible Christian Society:
- Billboard campaigns in Birmingham and Huntsville in 2021 and 2022. Catholic billboards were seen multiple times by hundreds of thousands of people in Huntsville and Birmingham and surrounding areas. Resulting in thousands of hits to the website seeking more information.
- Over 50,000 subscribers to this e-newsletter, Apologetics for the Masses, which gets forwarded to thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, more people by you, the subscribers.
- TV and online ads that reached hundreds of thousands of people.
- Tens of thousands of copies of our apologetics talks are distributed each year via downloads and, yes, still a number of CDs that are mailed out.
- Geofencing of a virulently anti-Catholic Baptist mega-church in Birmingham. Their folks received Catholic ads on their phones every time they would go to their church on Sundays and Wednesdays over a several week period. Resulted in a few hundred of their members visiting our website.
- Giving talks at a number of parishes and conferences throughout the U.S.
- Working on a 2nd book. Tentative title: Problems With Protestantism and Questions Protestants Can't Answer.
- Numerous Catholic newsletters, magazines, newspapers, websites, parish bulletins, etc. use our materials - free of charge - to share the truths of the Catholic Faith with their listeners/readers in multiple languages in multiple countries around the world.
- Catholic2000. A project to celebrate the 2000-year anniversary of the Catholic Church (33 A.D. - 2033 A.D.) by having a 9-year novena of events (2024 - 2032) leading up to the 2000-year celebration. Anticipating large stadium Rosary events. Eucharistic processions in cities around the country. Billboard, TV, radio, and online advertising/evangelization for the Church. Geofencing entire cities with Catholic ads. A cross-country Eucharistic procession in 2033, beginning in St. Augustine, FL - site of the 1st Mass in what is now the United States. And a whole lot of other such happenings.
- Much more...
All I've ever asked for, since 2006, when this e-newsletter was born - even in these days of high inflation - is 10 cents a day. That's just $3/month. $36/year. That's it. If you can do more...great. But, whatever you can do, as you are able, is greatly appreciated!
So, if you've ever learned anything about your faith from one of our newsletters; or have used the information in a newsletter to evangelize family members and friends; or you want to continue to see more testimonials from folks around the world like the ones below, please pray about making a donation today. We could really use your help. (To donate, see the information below.)
I will also take this opportunity to say that your organization has been a great blessing in my life ever since I started practicing the Faith back in the mid-late 2000’s as a 19-year-old. God bless you and your organization. It’s always been my go-to for everyone wanting to learn and know about Catholicism.
Alfonso P.
Again, love the work you do...I use it constantly to counter some of the screeds I hear. Particularly, in the Protestant bible study, of which I am the honorary (or less than) Catholic participating.
Keith P.
Dallas, TX
I would like to show you the January issue of our magazine we made where we translated and added one of your articles. I think this year we will be able to make more space for apologetics as we have increased the number of pages to 20 and people know us better. We distribute around 1700 copies every month but I think we will need to increase the print run.
Bro. Ephrem
Closing Comments
I hope all of you have a great Memorial Day weekend. Please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of all those who gave the fullest measure for their country.
The Bible Christian Society is a non-profit organization that relies solely on your support to bring the truths of the Catholic Faith to tens of thousands of people throughout the U.S. and all around the world each year. If you would like to help us do what we do, you can donate online at:
or send a check to:
Bible Christian Society
PO Box 424
Pleasant Grove, AL 35127.
Anything you can do is greatly appreciated!
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