About Us

The Bible Christian Society

Founded, 1996. Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2001.

Mission Statement (adopted in 1998)

To work towards the conversion of at least 50% of the Greater Birmingham area to Catholicism by the year 2038. [40 years]

What We Have Done

  • February, 1998 - February, 1999. The Bible Christian Hour - Catholic apologetics program on the largest Evangelical radio station in Alabama. The first, and only, live Catholic apologetics program on Evangelical radio in the country.
  • Responsible for bringing full-time Catholic radio to Birmingham in September, 1999.
  • Hundreds of talks/seminars/workshops on apologetics and evangelization at parishes and conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada.
  • Distributed close to 2 million audio copies of talks - in English and Spanish - to people all over the world - for free.
  • Publish a regular e-newsletter, Apologetics for the Masses, which has over 41,000 subscribers in all 50 states and more than 80 countries.
  • Founded the Catholic Business and Professional Network in the Diocese of Birmingham which was formed as a mechanism through which to evangelize Catholic leaders in the community.
  • Catechism Project - sending a Catechism of the Catholic Church to every non-Catholic pastor in the Diocese of Birmingham. Hundreds have been sent so far.
  • Blue Collar Apologetics series on EWTN Television. Received more feedback from viewers than any other program aired by EWTN in several years.
  • Use of mass media for evangelization in ways that no other Catholic organization is currently doing. Full page newspaper ads. Millions of online banner ads and targeted email blasts. Geofencing churches and cities. Television ads. Billboard campaigns. Radio ads.
  • The Society's unique approach to apologetics makes it something that all Catholics, junior high age and up, can learn to do. Our methodology allows individuals or groups to easily become adept at using apologetics in evangelization.
  • Many more programs and initiatives that make the Bible Christian Society the most innovative Catholic apostolate in terms of evangelization, including...
  • Catholic 200

    A series of evangelization events and programs leading up
    to the 2000-year anniversary of the Catholic Church.

  • For information on any of the BCS programs, or if you are interested in having John Martignoni come to your parish or conference to speak, please call: 205-744-1856, or send an e-mail to: John@BibleChristianSociety.com.