Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.
1 Peter 3:15
Apologetics for the Masses E-Newsletter
This E-Newsletter has actual apologetics exchanges that I have engaged in or am engaging in. You see the questions asked, and the comments made, by non-Catholics about all the various aspects of the Catholic Faith, and you will not only be able to read my responses, you are also given the strategies behind what I say and why. Strategies that you can use to engage in apologetics discussions with the folks you come in contact with. To read any of the old issues, just click on the links below.
Past Newsletters
Mike Gendron is trying to "save" me.
Stories of Faith, Conversion, and Evangelization - Apologetics for the MassesSemi-Annual Request for Ten Cents A Day
Apologetics for the Masses #452 - A Facebook Conversation w/a Former Catholic (Part 4)Last part of the Facebook conversation with a Protestant who knows everything about the Catholic Church (Part 4)
Another Facebook conversation with a Protestant who knows everything about the Catholic Church (Part 3)
Apologetics for the Masses #450 - A Facebook Conversation w/a Former Catholic (Part 2)Part 2 of another Facebook conversation with a Protestant who knows everything about the Catholic Church (Part 2)
Apologetics for the Masses #449 - A Facebook Conversation w/a Former CatholicAnother Facebook conversation with a Protestant who knows everything about the Catholic Church
Apologetics for the Masses #448 - A Bone to Pick w/Catholic Apologist Trent Horn (Part 2)A tactical disagreement with Trent Horn on arguing infallibility w/Protestants
Apologetics for the Masses #447 - A Bone to Pick w/Catholic Apologist Trent HornA tactical disagreement with Trent Horn on arguing infallibility w/Protestants
Apologetics for the Masses #446 - A Protestant Minister Disputes the Real Presence (Part 2)A Protestant Minister's reply to my arguments on the Real Presence in the Eucharist.
Apologetics for the Masses #445 - A Protestant Minister Disputes the Real PresenceA Protestant Minister's reply to my arguments regarding the Eucharist and John 6:51.
Apologetics for the Masses #444 - An Argument Against Infant BaptismA Protestant Minister tries to argue against Infant Baptism, citing John the Baptist's experience.
Apologetics for the Masses #443 - The Asbury "Revival" - A Few ThoughtsWhat is going on at Asbury College and how should Catholics react?
Apologetics for the Masses #442 - How to Stump an Anti-Catholic, Part 5A Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant (cont'd)
Apologetics for the Masses #441 - A Facebook Conversation with a Protestant, Part 4A Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant (cont'd)
Apologetics for the Masses #440 - A Facebook Conversation with a Protestant, Part 3A Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant (cont'd)
Apologetics for the Masses #439 - A Facebook Conversation with a Protestant, Part 2A Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant (cont'd)
Apologetics for the Masses #438 - A Facebook Conversation with a Protestant, Part 1A Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant
Apologetics for the Masses #437 - A Facebook Conversation with a ProtestantA Fairly Typical (More or Less) Facebook Conversation with a Protestant
Catholic Evangelization Around the WorldWhat impact is the Bible Christian Society having world-wide?
Apologetics for the Masses #436 - Is "Jesus" a False Name for the Messiah? (Part 2)The Name of "Jesus" Won't Save You?
Apologetics for the Masses #435 - Is "Jesus" a False Name for the Messiah?"Jesus" Isn't His Name?
Apologetics for the Masses #434 - What Do Catholics Believe, From a Protestant (Part 3)Dismantling a Protestant's Skewed View of Catholicism
Apologetics for the Masses #433 - What Do Catholics Believe, From a Protestant (Part 2)Dismantling a Protestant's Skewed View of Catholicism
Apologetics for the Masses #432 - Question from a 14-yr. old CatholicQuestion about evangelization from a 14-yr. old.
Apologetics for the Masses #431 - What Do Catholics Believe? From a Protestant...Another Protestant's Skewed View of Catholicism
Apologetics for the Masses #430 - The Roman (Catholic) RoadThe Catholic Version of the Roman Road
Apologetics for the Masses #429 - Salvation By Works? (Part 2)Some questions about works and salvation.
Apologetics for the Masses #428 - Salvation By Works?Do works play a role in our salvation? If so, in what way?
Apologetics for the Masses #427: Calvinism - TULIP (Part 3)The 5 Points of Calvinism - TULIP (Part 3)
Apologetics for the Masses #426: Calvinism - TULIP (Part 2)The 5 Points of Calvinism - TULIP (Part 2)
Apologetics for the Masses #425: Calvinism - TULIP (Part 1)The 5 Points of Calvinism - TULIP (Part 1)
Apologetics for the Masses #424: Refuting (Part 10)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 10)
Apologetics for the Masses #423: Refuting (Part 9)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 9)
Apologetics for the Masses #422 - AI have a question for you...
Apologetics for the Masses #422: Refuting (Part 3)The Protestant website - - and "7 Convincing Reasons"
Apologetics for the Masses #421: Refuting (Part 2)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 7)
Apologetics for the Masses #420: Refuting GotQuestions.orgThe Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 6)
Apologetics for the Masses #419: (one more time)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 5)
Apologetics for the Masses #418: (one more time)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 4)
Apologetics for the Masses #417: Is Pope Francis an Anti-PopePatrick Coffin's 7 Pieces of Evidence that Pope Francis is an Anti-Pope
Apologetics for the Masses #416 - and John 6:51 (cont'd)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 3)
Apologetics for the Masses #415: I Had a Question for re: John 6:51 (cont'd)The Protestant website - - and John 6:51 (Part 2)
Apologetics for the Masses #414: I Had a Question for re: John 6:51The Protestant website - - and John 6:51
Apologetics for the Masses #413: Seventh Day Adventists & Blue Collar ApologeticsUsing Blue Collar Apologetics with a SDA
Apologetics for the Masses #412: How to Use Blue Collar ApologeticsAn Example of Putting Blue Collar Apologetics into Action
Apologetics for the Masses - Bringing the Truth to the WorldSemi-Annual appeal for help to reach hundreds of thousands of people around the world with the truths of the Catholic Faith.
Apologetics for the Masses #411: Did Bishop Robert Barron Teach Heresy?Does Bishop Robert Barron Teach that the Bible Contains Errors?
Apologetics for the Masses #410: Private Interpretation of the Bible vs. Church TeachingIs individual interpretation of the Bible the same as believing Church teaching?
Apologetics for the Masses #409: A Protestant Answers Some Catholic QuestionsA Protestant Answers Questions Some Catholic Questions
Apologetics for the Masses #408: Taking on Dr. James White (Part 2)Responding to an email from a James White fan