Apologetics for the Masses #441 - A Facebook Conversation with a Protestant, Part 4
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How to Stump an Anti-Catholic - Facebook Conversations with Marie Taylor and friends, Part 4
General Comments
Well, I want to thank all of you for saying prayers for my son in regard to his taking the ACT test. Unfortunately, he fell just shy of the 30 he needed to get the full scholarships we were hoping for. So, we'll have to be satisfied with the partial scholarships he's already been offered. But, again, I very much appreciate all of the prayers!
This week is going to be a pretty short newsletter because right as I sat down at noon to start putting it together, the power went out in a good bit of Pleasant Grove - where my Bible Christian Society office is - due to some really high wind gusts (60-70 mph) in a thunderstorm that passed through and which apparently knocked something down. So, I can't get into my office computer that has some WordPerfect files of my conversations with Marie Taylor and Co., which I was going to use to put this newsletter together.
Thus, I'm going to go into Facebook and hunt down a short exchange I had with Ed Roper on repentance and comment on that, and then will do more next week.
Okay, do you see how he made a comment and did not give a Scripture verse to back up what he said? He didn't give a verse because there is not verse, in all of Scripture, that says, "Repentance is a consequence of salvation." Not one. So, whenever you see a Protestant make a statement like this, with no Scripture verse, just assume that's because there is no verse that says what he is saying. The best thing you can do when that happens, is ask: "Where does the Bible say that?" Which I didn't do directly here, but did in an indirect manner by quoting what the Bible actually does say.
When you ask that question, what do you think is going to happen? Well, you're going to get a response like the one Ed gives below, which I'll comment on in a minute. But, when you look at all of the verses he cites below, again, not a single one of them says, "Repentance is a consequence of salvation." So, your next step is to point that out to whoever you're talking with and ask, again: "Where does the Bible say, 'Repentance is a consequence of salvation?'" (Or whatever it is they are asserting it says.) And make sure you use quotation marks. (A lot of Protestants don't seem to understand what quotation marks mean.) Because when they can't give you a verse that says exactly what they said the Bible says, which you just quoted back to them, then that is a tacit admission that they are not going by the Bible, but rather by their private, non-authoritative, fallible interpretation of the Bible. Which is a very important point to make. We are dealing here not with the Word of God, but with the Word of Ed.
And another thing, I'm going to give you a resource here that you need to be very familiar with, if you're not already. When you get a statement from a Protestant like the one Ed gave here, go to www.biblegateway.com, put that statement, in quotes, into the search engine, and look and see if it's anywhere in the Bible. [Note: you can use any one of a number of Bible translations they have on that website, I always use the Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition, unless I am deliberately looking to see how the King James Version words a particular verse.]
And I have no basic problem with the rest of what he says here about repentance, but, again, it is not the original argument he was making. And not a single one of those Scripture verses he cites states, or even implies, that repentance comes after salvation. Don't let anyone do this to you, folks. This is why you have to pay close attention to what the other guy is saying, because as I always have said, their theology will start contradicting itself after just one, or at the most two, questions from you. But you have to pay attention in order to clue in on the contradictions and call 'em on them.
Ed Roper
Closing Comments
I hope all of you have a great week! And, if I may be so bold, I would like to ask for even more prayers from you. This time for a special evangelization project, the first parts of which I am putting into motion this coming week. It's going to take months, even years, to all come together, so keep the prayers coming, please. As it moves forward, I will keep you informed each time a significant step is taken.
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