Apologetics for the Masses #500 - Q & A From My Facebook Page
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Ten questions and answers from my "John Martignoni and the Bible Christian Society" Facebook page.
General Comments
Hey folks,
Two things:
1) I hope all of you had a happy, and holy, Christmas Season and New Year celebration!
2) One last pitch to the guys out there - and to you ladies who have husbands, brothers, fathers, and/or sons who might be interested - the Exodus 90 app has just started a new program: "The Desert Fathers in a Year". You can check out the app here: https://get.exodus90.com/johnm to see if it's something that might interest you. I did their Advent meditations and they were very good! I expect the same will be true with this particular program.
Okay, this was supposed to be a newsletter on the topic of whether or not a Pope can believe/teach heresy - outside of his official function as the Universal Pastor of the Church. But, as I got into it, the research was taking way longer than I had anticipated, and so I am going to have to wait until next week to do a newsletter on that particular topic. Normally I would get it out tomorrow (Friday), but I will be on the road tomorrow to Knoxville, TN, to present my new apologetics seminar at St. Thomas the Apostle church - which is actually in Lenoir City, just outside of Knoxville - on Friday night and continuing on Saturday.
But, I wanted to get something out this week, so I'm going to just put a few questions that have come up recently in my "John Martignoni and the Bible Christian Society" Facebook page, along with my answers to those questions.
So, again, next week will be on the Pope and heresy...
When did the Eucharist not become an important part in the service for Protestants? Lutherans and Episcopal churches and others still have communion every Sunday. Some believe in the Real Presence but why do Evangelical Christians not believe in it and was there a timeline where they saw preaching as the most important part of worship?
The Eucharist was seen as a mere symbol very early on in the Deformation. Ulrich Zwingli was not a believer in the Real Presence and debated with Martin Luther on that subject. Neither did the Deformer John Calvin believe in the Real Presence. So, other than Lutherans and Anglicans, Protestantism has, from its very beginning, downplayed the Eucharist.
We know that Our Lady was immaculately conceived and born without the stain of original sin ( which really means born in a perfect state of grace ) . But let’s not forget Adam and Eve - while not “conceived,“ they were also born/created in a state of perfect grace, but later chose to sin. We know Mary was born without original sin, and that includes the tendency to sin (concupiscence), and God knew she would never sin. But could she (unlike her divine Son) have sinned ? I struggle with this question.
I know of no Church teaching that states Mary did not have free will. Therefore, assuming she did indeed have free will, she would have had the capacity to commit sin.
When we read that scripture in Isaiah at this time of the year "for unto us a Son is born unto us a son is given," etc., one of the names the son "Shall be Called is Everlasting Father". I always brushed by that because I never gave it much thought but when I look at it closely how can one of the names of the Son be Everlasting Father? It is my understanding of trinitarian theology that the Son is not the Father so how do we understand this wonderful Passage?
2) What do we call the Pope? Holy Father. Is the Pope the earthly representative of the Father? Nope. The Son.
3) The Trinity had not yet been revealed at the time of Isaiah, therefore, they had no Trinitarian concepts by which to make such distinctions between the Father and the Son.
How can I respond to that?
[Note: The Seven Mountain Mandate (7MM) holds that there are seven aspects of society that believers seek to influence or dominate: family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government. The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a theological belief and movement that advocates for spiritual warfare to bring about Christian dominion over all aspects of society.]
Second, I would note that the Catholic Church cannot be the New Apostolic Reformation, since it is the Old Apostolic Reformation.
Third, I would tell them that the Catholic Church indeed has a mandate from Jesus Christ, since 33 A.D., to form and inform all aspects of society - whether it be family, religion, education, media, culture, music, the arts, sports, business, medicine, economics, law, government, et al - in all nations, in all times..."Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..." (Matt 28:19-20).
I was at my work Christmas party tonight and we were playing Christmas trivia. One of the questions my boss (who is Catholic) asked was this: "What song was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church for promoting adultery?" The answer was: "I saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus". This sounds so ridiculous! I've never even heard this before. Has anyone heard this and if so how would you answer this?
Is the Bible infallible?
The Bible is not "infallible" - it is inspired and inerrant. The Bible is no more or less infallible than a tree or a rock...all of them are incapable of making a mistake. Fallibility/infallibility is a trait that is proper to that which has the capacity to make decisions.
Did Jesus institute the Priesthood at the Last Supper?
Can somebody tell me what should have happened in this situation? In our parish, a visiting priest baptized a baby who has 2 lesbian mothers. The Godfather is an actively gay man who is the baby's uncle. I know that the baby deserves to be baptized. How can the 2 mothers possibly raise the baby in the faith and how can the Godfather be any help in raising the baby in the faith when their life styles are in opposition to Church teaching? At the very least, Godparents need to be practicing Catholics in good standing. I'm not sure if the parents attend Mass but the Godfather considers himself an ex Catholic. I wonder why these people even want their baby baptized. I guess the seeds of Catholicism are still planted in them even though they are violating natural law by the way they're living. Pray for all of them please!
Closing Comments
I hope and pray 2025 brings many blessings to all of you and your families! Have a great week!
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