Apologetics for the Masses #321
Do All Churches Teach Error?
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General Comments
Hey folks,
I'm back! I haven't sent out a newsletter in 2 months, and I think that may be the longest I've gone without publishing an issue in the 15 years since I started doing this. The problem is that I've been without my assistant at my diocesan job for 4 months now. She went on maternity leave in mid-December and never came back. This was her 2nd child and she is fortunate that she had the option to be able to stay home with her babies. Absolutely wonderful for her, but the lack of help caught up with me the last couple of months and things have been exceedingly crazy.
Anyway, I have help coming as of this Monday with a new hire who I believe to be eminently capable of doing what needs to be done, and so I expect to be churning out more newsletters here in the next several weeks so as to catch up a bit.
And, I hope to have some "interesting" evangelization news to share with you in the next 2-3 months or so. I'm beginning an evangelization project that evangelizes folks in a way that I don't believe has ever been done before - at least, not quite like they way I am going to do it. I don't know how it will work out, but I'm going to give it a shot and then let you folks know about it. I think it has a lot of potential. Say a prayer or two...
This week I'm going to give you a homework assignment...and I want you to turn in your work by end of business on Wednesday. The person who gives the best response to the assignment will get a free set of my CD's (you don't even have to pay postage), as well as a free copy of both of my DVD's: "Blue Collar Apologetics: Season 1" and "Blue Collar Apologetics: Season 2."
The assignment relates to a post I made on a Facebook page called "The Berean Call." The guy who runs it is named Brian Norton. Below is a quote of Mr. Norton's that I used in my post. What I would like for you to do is this: Analyze Brian Norton's post and tell me what, if any, problems are inherent in it in regard to Protestant theology? Is the logic behind it sound or unsound - why or why not? Is it consistent with Scripture - why or why not?
You can make a really good response with only a few sentences...a paragraph or two at the most. I want just the core of the arguments.
Here are the rules: There will be only one winner. I, and I alone, will decide who has made the best response. If more than one person gives a really good response, then the winner will be determined by who submitted their response first (early bird gets the worm kinda thing). If more than one person has a really good response, and they were sent to me at about the same time - within an hour or two of each other - then the most concise response wins. Everyone, no matter which country you live in, is eligible to win (this newsletter goes out to people in at least 80 countries).
I will post the winning response next Friday and will include some of the dialogue that took place between the folks at The Berean Call and me. It was pretty interesting...
And, even if you don't want to type up a response and send it in, I would like for you to really think about this quote and how you would approach replying to it. This quote is actually quite devastating to the Protestant argument, but do you know how and why? What I always try to teach people is to analyze very carefully whatever is being put in front of you and think about the assumptions and the logic that are behind the statement. So, see if you can figure out the problems with the quote, even if you don't want to take the time to type something up and email it to me.
Okay, below is the quote from Mr. Brian Norton:
Brian Norton
"Well, scripturally, I believe ALL churches have at least SOME errors, though not always essentials. I've served in 7 churches and all did or taught SOME things differently."
John Martignoni
Here's the thing, every single Protestant - without exception! - who commented on my post agreed with Brian Norton's quote. Every single one! So, what, if anything, is wrong with this quote?!
Closing Comments
I hope all of you have a great week, and I hope you will find this little exercise to be useful in helping you to better understand some of the inherent problems of Protestant doctrine and dogma.
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