Apologetics for the Masses #315

Bible Christian Society

General Comments


    Hey folks, twice a year I come to you and ask for your support.  Well, it's that time again.  So, I hope you will take a few moments to read through this issue - particularly the quotes below from people all over the world who have been informed, uplifted, enflamed, and inspired by the materials they have acquired from the Bible Christian Society - and then prayerfully consider whether or not this is an apostolate worthy of your support.  I would also ask that you consider what benefits you have received by reading these newsletters or listening to the talks or both. 

     And, as anyone who has been a subscriber of these e-newsletters knows, I always ask for just $0.10 a day (yes, a dime a day).  That comes to about $3.00 per month, or just $36 for the year.  I think that's pretty reasonable for the amount of information being offered.  And, at the Bible Christian Society, we offer everything...well, almost everything...for free.  Yeah, there is a $1.00 shipping and handling fee per CD when you order on the internet, but you can even avoid that cost by simply mailing in your order, which many people do.  I've shipped thousands upon thousands of CDs to people in the U.S. and overseas without receiving so much as a penny in return...and that is awesome!  The philosophy here is: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things (what to eat, wear, etc.) will be added unto you."

     So, the first priority is getting The Word out.  Reaching people with the truths of the faith.  And we reach tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, each year with the truths of the Catholic Faith through our newsletter and the tens of thousands of CD's and mp3 downloads we distribute.  But, to do that, we need money for our website and web support, for the CD's, the labels, the duplicating machines, the CD cases, the computers, the internet, and so on.  The second priority is being able to support my family.  The kids really like being able to eat and have a roof over their heads.  God has indeed been faithful to His Word in providing for my family.  He does that through the prayers and financial support we receive from folks like you.  God working in you and through you to provide for this mission.  Thank you for that!


     Sir, I enjoy reading your newsletter and have shared same with my group. In fact, based on the information obtained from your site, we were able to conduct a seminar on Catholic Apologetics for some youth members of the Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia, Liberia. We had two priests and one layman who facilitated. Thanks a lot for the kind of information on your website.

Fabien Kieh
Monrovia, Liberia


That, folks is what I call the "Loaves and Fishes Effect."  Or, you could simply call it the Multiplier Effect.  That is one of the things that I love to hear about - that someone has taken what they learned from the Bible Christian Society website - from the CDs, the newsletters, the 2-Minute Apologetics, the DVDs, etc. - and used that information to not only deepen their own faith, but to step out and share the Faith with others.  Here are another couple quotes that exemplify that effect:


     Your materials have been invaluable to us here at the monthly Catholic newspaper Oremus Press. We republished your "Two Minute Apologetics" over the course of a few years, to the delight of our readers across the nation. We were able to learn a great deal from this material, and it also helped us to better stand our ground when confronted with anti-Catholic questions. On multiple occasions, our readers have come to us or written, saying that a BCS article in Oremus Press was "exactly what they needed," and they had shared it with someone in need of the truth. These are situations where folks eyes have been opened to a new viewpoint (for them) because BCS materials were made available to the public. If we had not been able to republish these materials in our newspaper, many readers and their friends and associates would not have received the intellectual or spiritual benefit...
John A. Ingle, Editor/Publisher
Oremus Press Newspaper

     Any chance you might have some material I could use for our free weekly Catholic magazine in Ireland - The Open Door?  www.theopendoor.ie   I have learned so much from listening to your teachings and I would love to share them with our 6000 weekly readers, many of whom are former Catholics...You know, Ireland, the former 'land of saints and scholars' is now in serious need of help from the countries she evangelised over the centuries.

Seamus Kennedy, editor 


     Seamus now shares BCS apologetics materials, through his incredible e-newsletter, with some 6000 plus subscribers over in Ireland and John shares the materials with thousands upon thousands more through his awesome newspaper.  The Loaves and the Fishes Effect.  And all of that is only possible because of your support for the Bible Christian Society.


     “I am simply e-mailing you with words of encouragement and thanks.  You have given me tools that I never could find before to answer my husband's very, very Southern Baptist family's questions...What you are doing is helping so many other Catholics out there, especially those of us here in the Bible belt to answer all these Protestants who can be pretty darn mean when it comes to their questions and assertions. So Thank You for all you have done, Thank you for all you will do, and keep up the good work.”

Brittany H.


     I know you're busy sir but I just wanted to thank you once again. I'm getting better and better at defending the faith and you got me started. Your logical approach to refuting other people's comments really inspired me and I try to use your methods every time I talk to an atheist or non-Christian or even a fellow Catholic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

Jim W.


     Thank you for creating the Bible Christian Society. About two years ago, I had been rejuvenated by The Holy Spirit but I was still in search of a church to call home. I started attending a non denominational church because I was afraid of the negative rumors surrounding the Catholic faith. But my soul was craving the Fullness of the Truth. My brother sent me a link to your website where I was able to listen to your apologetics regarding The Pope, Mary, etc. I had many "Ah-Ha!" moments. Because of this, as well as praying to God and asking St. Padre Pio for his intercession, my heart felt content when I decided to come Home to Our Mother Church. Now, I'm serving The Lord in The Cathedral Choir of Our Lady of The Angels in Los Angeles, CA. My cup runneth over because I'm so grateful to be a practicing Catholic. Thank you again for your contribution to my spiritual growth and journey Home. God bless you Always!!!

Karina R.

Los Angeles, CA


    It is my intention to express my deepest appreciation for all the work that you do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am a convert to the faith three years now.  Before I was received into the Holy Catholic Church I have been going to Holy Mass for five years but not in full communion and it is the most important decision I've made in my life. Your recordings have been very instrumental also in my Spiritual formation. The e-mails I received from you have proved to be very informative and interesting. I thankful to God that he brought me home to the Church that His son Jesus Christ our Lord established. I have never seen the scriptures that way I see it now and now I am even more devoted to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church and the study of the Sacred Scriptures. I am pursuing studies in Catholic Theology. Thank you for all that you are doing...

Kevin J.
Trinidad and Tobago


All of that by the grace of God!  And, none of that without you!  Your support - prayer support and financial support - is responsible for everything that we are able to accomplish for the Kingdom.  Again...thank you!


     Those are the kinds of dividends that others get when you invest in the Bible Christian Society.  Help us to help more people learn and share their faith.  Please take a moment right now to visit the "Donations" page of our website: http://www.biblechristiansociety.com/donations and invest in our activities.

     If you could make a donation of $18.00 now, and then again in a few when I make my next appeal, that would average out to ten cents a day. If you can’t do $18.00 right now, then whatever investment you can make will be much appreciated! If you can make a larger donation, that would also be much appreciated!  Again, I’m just asking you to share in the blame for what we’re doing. Folks like Kevin and Karina and Suzanne and Jim and all the others will luv ya for it!

Or, if you would rather send a check, please make your check out and send it to:

Bible Christian Society

POB 424

Pleasant Grove, AL 35127


You can also send a donation via our Paypal account: admin@biblechristiansociety.com


Thank you!





The Bible Christian Society is a non-profit organization that relies solely on your support to bring the truths of the Catholic Faith to tens of thousands of people throughout the U.S. and all around the world each year.  If you would like to help us do what we do, you can donate online at: http://www.biblechristiansociety.com/donations, or send a check to: Bible Christian Society, PO Box 424, Pleasant Grove, AL  35127.  Anything you can do is greatly appreciated!



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Apologetics for the Masses