Apologetics for the Masses - Issue #192
General Comments
Hey folks, three things:
1) First of all, as you may have noticed, I’ve been taking several weeks off. So much has been going on in the last several months that I just needed a good ol’ recharge of the batteries. So I wanted to send out something just to let you know that rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated and to also let you know that I’ll be back either next week or the week after with a new newsletter, and I’ll get you up-to-date on various things that are going on, or are about to be going on, in my life. It’s going to be getting even crazier around here in the next few months than it has been in the last few months.
2) Also, I wanted to thank all of you who gave so generously of their financial blessings in response to my last appeal! I greatly appreciate it. All who made a donation should have received the Scott Hahn CD’s by now – sorry for any delays in getting them to you, but we were swamped with requests and my wife was getting them out the door as fast as she could. If you wanted to make a donation, but just never got around to it, you can do so by going to: www.biblechristiansociety.com/donations.
3) Finally, I just want to remind you about the trip to Rome that I will be leading next June! We have room for about 35 folks on this trip, and there are still some openings available, but we have to hear from you soon. To get all of the information – itinerary, costs, etc. – go to this link: http://www.chirhoeuro.com/cms/index.php/find-your-group/italy-group/63-2013-martignoni. In addition to spending several days in Rome, we will spend a day in Asissi, a day in Siena, and we’re looking at the possibility of getting over to Lanciano, to see the Eucharistic miracle there. I would love to have you come along with us!
I hope all of you have a great week and, as I mentioned above, I’ll be starting back with the regular newsletters either next week or the week after that.