Stories of Faith, Conversion, and Evangelization - Apologetics for the Masses

Bible Christian Society

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Okay, I'm asking for a favor here.  Would you please read the "testimonials" below - testimonials that I've received in the last few months - and, if you like what you read and you want to help more such stories happen in the future, would you please pray about donating to the Bible Christian Society so that we can reach hundreds of thousands more people here in the U.S., and around the world, with the truths of the Catholic Faith? 

All I've ever asked for, in the 20 years I've been sending out these Apologetics for the Masses e-newsletters, is Ten Cents A Day.  That's it.  A dime a day.  That's just $3/month or $36/year.  That's one cup of coffee per month.  Could you spare one cup of coffee a month to invest in evangelization? 

Will you help us to help others not only learn more about their faith, but learn how to share, explain, and defend their faith with others? The Bible Christian Society uses what I call an evangelization multiplier.  The techniques that we teach are so easy to learn, so tied to basic common sense, that they not only help people to better understand what the Church teaches and why, but they give people the confidence to go out and share what they've learned.  Folks who never thought they would talk to others about their faith are out there evangelizing all over the place. 

So, again, please read these testimonials and if they cause a smile to come to your face, please think and pray about financially supporting the Bible Christian Society so as to help us reach even more folks.  Or, if you feel you have personally benefitted from reading this newsletter, or listening to the free audio materials we offer, or any of our other resources, could you consider lending a hand?  Again, just Ten Cents A Day is all I ask.  If you can do more...great!  But, if you could do at least a dime a day, I would be exceedingly grateful.  That's $3/month, or $36/year.  (Instructions on how to donate are below.)

Above all else, though...please pray for our mission.  And please know that we keep all of you in our prayers daily. 


     Thank you for your ministry, John. The Bible Christian Society was the one that brought me back to the church.
              Clarence G.

     Your videos have made such an impact on our family, and especially on how our children view and discuss the faith.  I wanted to share a little story with you that I thought you would enjoy.
So this weekend we had a friend from out of town stay with us.  He is a fallen-away Baptist, but he has questions about faith, and he's not afraid to ask us about our faith, even if it can come out a bit crudely.  I really appreciate that he will ask questions about faith, because I see it as a sign that he is searching for God. On Saturday night, we had some other friends also join us for dinner - friends who are very active and committed Baptists.  And there was just a bit of tension in the air because our out of town friend, the fallen-away Baptist, will have a beer or two with dinner, but the active Baptists won't touch alcohol.
During the evening, my husband let our one friend know that we would be going to Mass on Sunday, and that he was welcome to join us.  He joked and said he was Southern Baptist and that he couldn't possibly set foot in a Catholic Church.  My husband teased him saying, "Well, you drink beer so you're not that Baptist".  The friend continued his protest, "I can't go to a Catholic Church... why... why... I'd go to HELL,"  and my little 12-year old daughter, with perfect timing and a crack of a smile said, "But Mr. David... I thought it was Once Saved Always Saved."  A puzzled look came over his face and the room went quiet.  

Kelly S.   


    Yesterday on Facebook’s Historic Birmingham, I noticed a reference to a building that had parts of the doors painted in red. Someone down the thread made reference to Catholics and their practice of witchcraft, blah, blah. Of course I had to say that Catholics don’t practice witchcraft. Wow, did that cause a row!
    As a Catholic convert, I never felt comfortable with arguing for Catholicism, particularly on FB. (In fact, I am extraordinarily shy even in person.) However, I wanted to let you know that you inspired me and gave me confidence to stand up. For that I am grateful. In a nice way, I made a comment/correction here and there, and when I was finally personally attacked (“You’re being unreasonable!”) I knew I had won and I laughed to myself, "John said this would happen!"...Imagine me, shy little ol’ me, daring to speak up.

    Linda J.
    Birmingham, AL

     I am writing you regarding the audioevangelization project of Czechia and Slovakia to inform you about the progress and to ask your for final approval of the result to be distributed...You granted me the non-exclusive permission to non-profitably (free-of-charge for end-users) reproduce and distribute all of the Bible Christian Society audiotalks...Thank you very much for everything, also on behalf of the people to be evangelized.
     Miroslav S.
     Czech Republic

     Always love to read your newsletter and one of these days, once we are done with some serious life-events, I'd like to discuss getting your pages translated into Croatian. I have encountered some serious protestants over there, small though in number, but seriously venomous against the church, and much aligned with what you typically talk about. When confronted in the way you confront protestants head-on, they have no answer and all they want to do is pontificate. Thank you for what you do! I continue to learn tons!  

Davorin S.   
Bloomington, IN

     Thank you so very much for this latest newsletter. Enjoying and learning a lot about our One Apostolic Catholic Church. I am a Permanent Deacon and these videos and newsletters are really helpful for my TV program with a priest in our own language in our local Catholic Divine Word TV and also in my Homilies during Mass.

Deacon Mulipola 

     Thank you so much!!!  We have a group of 35 or 36 friends that are really enjoying and learning from your [DVD] series.  My brother John and Deacon Gary present them every Thursday evening with a repeat on Monday evening for those that aren't available on Thursday.  I ordered this set for my sons to review. During lunch after Mass on Sunday, I was telling my two teen-age grandsons that the non-Caatholic version of the rapture isn't biblical and that the bible verses are really talking about the end times.  They listened very intently, so your series is definitely planting seeds of knowledge and faith...

     Phyllis L.

     I am using [your DVDs] for some Blue Collar Apologetics presentations at church.  The presentations have been received very well. The people are getting confidence to be able to respond to challenges. 

     John P.
     Kingston, TN


Closing Comments

     Catholics learning more about their Faith.  Fallen-away Catholics coming back to the Faith.  Non-Catholics coming closer to, and quite often into, the Faith.  Clergy using our materials for presentations on TV and for their homilies.  Lay persons using our materials for group presentations at their parishes or nation-wide evangelization projects.  Lay persons gaining the confidence to evangelize on Facebook and elsewhere.  Children gaining the boldness to evangelize adults. The U.S.  Europe.  The South Pacific.  And I hear from Africa, Asia, and South America, too!
     If you think any or all of these stories are absolutely awesome, then please invest in our humble little efforts here at the Bible Christian Society (see below).  We're taking it one soul at a time...


     The Bible Christian Society is a non-profit organization that relies solely on your support to bring the truths of the Catholic Faith to tens of thousands of people throughout the U.S. and all around the world each year.  If you would like to help us do what we do, you can donate online at:

or send a check to:

Bible Christian Society

PO Box 424

Pleasant Grove, AL  35127.

                                                              Anything you can do is greatly appreciated!

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Apologetics for the Masses